Resending enrolment emails
There is not a way to resend emails from the LMS as it currently stands.
The administrator who enrols the learners does receive a copy of the learner login credentials, so this information could be forwarded to the learner by the administrator along with a link to the website
The enrolment report can be forwarded directly to the individual learner with a link, or a template can be used. Here is an example template:
Please login as a learner using the credentials below:
Learner Username (Not case sensitive):
Learner Password: (Case sensitive):
Link to Login Portal:
Forgotten Learner Password?
If the learner is expecting an enrolment notification but hasn’t received anything they can use the Forgotten Learner Password function built into the portal to access their courses. The administrator can also do this on behalf of the learner.
Remind Learner to Complete Course
There is not a way to send reminder emails from the LMS as it currently stands.
The administrator can however compile a list of email addresses for learners who have not started or completed courses and send them an email reminder. For privacy purposes we recommend using Bcc.