Mouse wheel method
Click anywhere within the course content, hold down the 'Ctrl' key on your keyboard and scroll down with the mouse wheel. This should zoom out your display.
Plus/minus method
Click anywhere within the course content, hold down the 'Ctrl' key on your keyboard and press the '+' or '-' key on your keyboard. This should change your view. Try pressing either of them until the next button shows. Remember, '+' will zoom in, and '-' will zoom out.
0 method
Click anywhere within the course content, hold down the 'Ctrl' key on your keyboard and press the '0' number key. This should reset out zoom to it's default setting (100%) and this should show your next button.
System settings
If the device's system settings are set to be zoomed in, this can also affect how activities and the course is displayed.
On Windows 10, this can be tested by pressing your Windows key, searching for 'scale', selecting 'make everything bigger' and setting this to 100% (if it is not already).
Pinch to zoom
On the course content, place 2 fingers diagonally on the screen, and pull them together, making a pinch motion. This should zoom out your course and should show you the full content on the page.
(iPad only) AA zoom
Press the 'AA' icon and the top option should be a percentage. Please ensure this is set to 100%. Selecting it should revert it to 100%.